Nodes with recently uploaded images:
Ivana Madariová (SK),
Peter Nosáľ (SK),
About Multiplace,
Press 2007
Click here for raw version of all PARTICIPANTS (with no images, ready to print).
Alena Adamíková (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
13 kubikov
Finis Terrae (coordination)

All Openings Orchestra

Ana Filip (SK/RO)
As organiser in MTP:
Itchy bit

Andrey Kiritchenko (UA)
Unsound On Tour II.
(streaming) (acoustic & digital, tiny melodies & noise),
Unsound on tour across borders II. (live)

Angakok Thoth / Daniel Tóth (SK)

Anna Daučíková (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD
Anna Daucikova – Selection from video art,
Presentation of new department IMD (Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD),
Finis Terrae (opening word)

Anton Čierny (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD,
Space Communication Atelier doc. Anton Cierny, AFAD Bratislava
Presentation of new department IMD (Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD),

Antonín Koutný (CZ)

Backstreet Noiz (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (glam 2rave - Třebíč)

Barbora Šedivá (SK/CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Multiplace 2007
I Would Like That – Multiplace Infocentre Brno (coordination)

Braňo Matis (SK/CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Multiplace 2007

Braňo Pepel (SK)
As organiser in MTP:

Brendan Powell Smith (US)

Cabowitz + P.O.P. corp. (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (ambient / puredata visual glitches - Prague / Brno)

Carlos Katastrofsky (AT)

Chernobyl DJs (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental

Cobra Killer (DE)
Unsound On Tour I.
Unsound on tour across borders II. (live)

Communal Waste Sound System (CZ)
Shalom Pax! (Noizer, Gulaz, Kootcha - breakcore, speedcore, noise - Prague)

Companiera Curie Crew (CZ)
Shalom Pax! (freenoise - Brno)

Daniel Pies (DE)

Dariusz Makaruk (PL)
As organiser in MTP:
Wici Foundation for Culture

David Možný (CZ)
Moving Images

David Vrbík (CZ)
Uchoko 03

Dictaphone (DE)
Unsound On Tour II.
(streaming) (new electronic jazz),
Unsound on tour across borders I. (live)

Drsh, Sleepy (CZ)
Shalom Pax!

Dstepz (CZ)
Shalom Pax! (Jihlava)

Dušan Barok (SK/CZ/DE)
As organiser in MTP:,
13 kubikov,
Multiplace 2007
Web / Content / SK
(streaming) (moderation)
On the Culture of Networks

Dušan Urbanec (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:

Eric La Casa (FR)
Samartzis, La Casa and Guionnet

Erik Binder (SK)
As organiser in MTP:

Erik Šille (SK)

esfir (SK/CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ) (visuals)

Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Oliver Rehák (SK) (laptop, electronics),
Slávo Krekovič (SK) (laptop, toys),
Ladislav Mirvald (CZ) (guitar, electronics),
Martin Valášek (CZ) (turntables, electronics),
esfir (SK/CZ) (visuals)
Do You Really Want To..?

Floex (Tomáš Dvořák) (CZ)
Evolution Night: Live Partition

FUI TU students
Videoworks & Laptop Party FUTU DJs

Gergely Nagy & the Academy of Arts and Crafts Collective (HU)
Archimage night date and time

Gívan Belá (BE/SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Society of Algorithm
Small Studies on Translation

Ikoon Art (PL)
Multiplace PL

Illah van Oijen
Show me your city!

Ilona Németh (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD
Presentation of new department IMD (Intermedia and Multimedia Department AFAD)

ink_flo (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (mash-up - Olomouc)

Ivana Madariová (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Billboart Gallery Europe
Full Service Video (curator)

Jakub Hybler (CZ)

Jakub Pišek (SK)
Full Service Video

Jakub Zítko (CZ)
Evolution Night: Live Partition

Jan Dufek (CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Lemurie T.A.Z. (CZ)
Uchoko 03

Jan Kadlec (CZ)

Ján Šifra (SK)
Web / Content / SK

Jaroslav Kyša (SK)

Jean-Luc Guionnet (FR)
Samartzis, La Casa and Guionnet

Jiří Suchánek (CZ)

Jirka Havlíček (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Eskort Gallery

Jozef Henzl (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:

Jozef Kelemen (SK)
From interactive to participative art from the informatics view

Július Fujak (SK)
Nonconventional music in Slovakia in late 80s and early 90s

Juraj Čarný (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
SPACE projects | residency lab | store
Lego (curator)

Jürgen Rendl
Show me your city!

Justice Yeldham (AU)
Unsound on tour across borders II.

Karbido (PL)
Karbido (PL),
Karbido (PL)

Katarína Balážiková (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Open Design Studio,
Multiplace 2007
Multiplace Is Open,
Designjockeys (coordination)
Graphic Design and Collaboration

Kate Wax (CH)
Unsound On Tour I.
Unsound on tour across borders II. (live with drummer)

Klára Doležálková (CZ)
See You Later Maybe

Kosmischer Pitch with Jan Jelinek (DE)
Unsound on tour across borders I. (live),
Unsound On Tour II.
(streaming) (krautrock, minimal, psychedelia, deep house)

Kotra (UA)
Unsound On Tour II.
(streaming) (radical breakbeat sounds),
Unsound on tour across borders I. (live)

Kristian Lukič (YU)
Second Life

Kyl The DYJ
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (retarded djs crew - - Brno / Bratislava)

Kyl The Sistem (SK)
Itch My Ha Ha Ha

Laco Teren (SK)
Filling up the holes (concept)

Ladislav Mirvald (CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ) (guitar, electronics)

Ladislav Železný (CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Lemurie T.A.Z. (CZ)
Uchoko 03

Laura Codreanu (RO)
As organiser in MTP:
AltArt Foundation

Lemurie T.A.Z. (CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Ladislav Železný (CZ),
Jan Dufek (CZ)
Radio Is Not Dead

Levente Polyák (HU)
Archimage night date and time

Little Artists (UK)

Longital (SK)
Evolution Night: Live Partition

Ľuba Lacinová (SK)
Transgenetic Art. From Biology to Gallery

Lubo Nosko (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Show me your city!

Lucia Udvardyova (SK/CZ)
Sampling: From Regression To Transgression In Listening

Machine Funck (CZ)
Unsound on tour across borders II. (advanced dj set)

Magdaléna Kobzová (SK/CZ)
As organiser in MTP:,
Multiplace 2007

Makaruk (PL)
Multiplace PL

Marcela Straková (CZ)
Second Life

Marcus Graf (DE/NL)

Mária Čorejová (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
13 kubikov
Finis Terrae (coordination)

Mária Rišková (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
13 kubikov,
Multiplace 2007
Multiplace - Festival-Network

Marian Lukačka (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
13 kubikov

Mário Chromý (SK)

Maroš Rovňák (SK)
Lot in Sodom

Martin Bastyan Sedlák (SK)
Defining Space by the Light

Martin Krištof (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Truc sphérique

Martin Mistrík (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Open Design Studio
Multipis (coordination),
Image vs text,
Multipis, Open up!,
Multiplace Is Open
Text vs Image
Text Without an Image, Image Without a Text?

Martin Valášek (CZ)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ) (turntables, electronics)

Mateřídouška (CZ)
Uchoko 04
Unsound On Tour I.

Maya Allison (US)
As organiser in MTP:
RISD Museum

Michal Čudrnák (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Itchy bit,
13 kubikov
Web / Content / SK
(streaming) (moderation)

Michal Fridrich (CZ)

Michal Kindernay (CZ)
Small Studies on Translation

Mikuláš Podprocký (SK)
Full Service Video

Miloš Vojtěchovský (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Well Tempered Bike (coordination),
Cyclosymfonieta 2007 (coordination)

Mimo-tv - isawiwasi (CZ)
Uchoko 04

Mitch & Mitch (PL)
Unsound On Tour I.
Unsound on tour across borders II.

Natur Produkt (CZ)
Uchoko 04
Unsound On Tour I.
Unsound on tour across borders II. (a/v set)

Neutrino (CZ)
Unsound on tour across borders I. (live)

Nóra Ružičková (SK)
Finis Terrae

Okosanu (PL)
Multiplace PL

Oliver Rehák (SK)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ) (laptop, electronics)
As organiser in MTP:
Atrakt Art,
A4 – Associations for contemporary culture

open participation
Recycle Bin [or "Green is sexy"],
Visitors + ONO OKNO,
Ring Free,
I Would Like That – Multiplace Infocentre Brno,
Filling up the holes,
Open Stage,
000 Event,
Plug_In Café

As organiser in MTP:
Uchoko 05

Palo Fabuš (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Amateurs: Fulfilled Utopia?
Last Tag Show,
See You Later Maybe (curator)

Pani K. (PL)
Multiplace PL

Pash* (CZ)
As organiser in MTP:
Last Tag Show,
See You Later Maybe

Patrik Garaj (SK)
Web / Content / SK

Peter Gonda (gnd, SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Itchy bit

Peter Nosáľ (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Open Design Studio
Killing Me Microsoftly (coordination),
Multiplace Is Open

Peter Pankúch (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Multiplace 2007

Peter Pikna (SK)
YouTube videowars, or fight for mind in a new dimension

Peter Rónai (SK)
Contemporary videoart and digital image

Petr Krušelnický
Uchoko 03

Philip Samartzis (AU)
Samartzis, La Casa and Guionnet

Prokop Holoubek
As organiser in MTP:
Fléda Club

Radio Tilos Djs (HU)
Archimage night date and time

Radio Tlis (SK)

Radovan Čerevka (SK)

Rafal Nowak (PL)
As organiser in MTP:
Wici Foundation for Culture

Robert Paršo (SK)
As organiser in MTP:

Robo Zelník (SK)
Web / Content / SK

Samuel Dahan (CH)
As organiser in MTP:
Open Design Studio
Tract Collectif,
Tasty Showroom,
Multiplace Is Open

Sebastian Klemm

Slávo Krekovič (SK)
Members/Groups in MTP:
Etnoise orchestra (SK/CZ) (laptop, toys)
As organiser in MTP:
Atrakt Art,
A4 – Associations for contemporary culture,
Multiplace 2007 (research, program)

Šmek Ma Pikča (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (minimal visual, Brno)

Sonority + 777 (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (microbeats, granular trash, destroyed inputs, vocals from hell - Židlochovice / Brno)

Stanislav Abrahám (CZ)
Uchoko 03

Stano Masar (SK)

Stefan Kalmar (DE)

Stolik (PL)

Subsist (CZ)
Unsound on tour across borders I. (dj set)

Svkschä Handarbyte (SK)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (chrup-hop, Bratislava / SK)

Takumi Endo (JP)

Tereza Damcová (CZ)

The Manufactur (CH)
Multiplace PL

Tomáš Bella (SK)
Web / Content / SK

Tomáš Hrůza (CZ)
Uchoko 05

Tomáš Kelar

Tomáš Makara (SK)

Tomáš Ulej (SK)
Web / Content / SK

Tomáš Vaněk (CZ)
Evolution Night: Live Partition

Tomáš Vtípil (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (dekadentní laptopová poezie - Brno)

TV Produkt
Shalom Pax! (VJ),
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (puredata visual master from Moravia - Uherské Hradiště)

ufoun (CZ)
Taming The Error Beasts

Vanja (CZ)
Shalom Pax! (nbs)

Varga Bob (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
IC Culture Train

Viera Levitt (SK/US)
As organiser in MTP:
Viera Levitt,
Multiplace 2007
Video In Progress
Special Edition: New Video Art from Central Europe (curator)

Wodnya & mateyka
Shalom Pax! (Pawlac Zewls)

Wodnya (CZ)
Shalom Pax! (Kalinga Crew - amenbreaks - Brno)

Wojciech Kosma (PL)
Multiplace PL

Yarrdesh (CZ)
Chernobyl Support on Multiplace Heavymental (symphonic breakcore, bimetal - Prague)

Uchoko 05

Zbigniew Libera (PL)

Zuzana Černáková (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Multiplace 2007

Zuzana Dimunová (SK)
As organiser in MTP:
Open Design Studio
Multiplace Is Open,
Tasty Showroom

Zuzana Musilová (CZ)
Energy erekt