14. 22. April 2007 , MTP Infocentre Bratislava, SK_Bratislava
Ana Filip (SK/RO),
Carlos Katastrofsky (AT),
Sebastian Klemm,
Marcus Graf (DE/NL)
Itchy bit
After meeting at Ars Electronica's Electrolobby workshops, few newly made friends made the promise to stay in touch, to learn from each other and once to meet again and play with code and microchips, with PureData and Processing, with music and image. Since Multiplace festival offers the ideal framework, we will try to gather and either work on a new project or ad-hoc installation, or just hang around and share waht we know and like. If our attempt will be successfull, you will meet as in the infocenter, coding with heads in our laptops and speaking various kinds on English and looking around for peopel interested to watse time and join us. If not in the physical world, then a second chance is to trace us on the festival's website or on an.itchybit.org, plotting on the networks. One way or another, one form or any others, we will show ourselves.
