I Would Like That – Multiplace Infocentre Brno

16. 20. April 2007 , Infocentrum MTP Brno, CZ_Brno
Barbora Šedivá (SK/CZ) (coordination),
open participation
Multiplace 2007,
Lemurie T.A.Z (co-operation),
Uchoko (co-operation),
Hucot, o.s. (co-operation),
Fiume (co-operation),
Chernobylmusick (co-operation),
Jelibojelito (co-operation)
daily 3-10pm
Multiplace Infocentre is an environment for creative expression of anyone, pseudosociological research and creative chill out. Come and create – you can use the audiovisual space behind reception on Udolni 19. Bring your guitar or DVD with your films and put it on. Come and make a screening – we can make room dark for you. Come and play the lullaby to FaVU dean, we will invite him for you.
Besides your involvement there is a video and audio massage waiting for you (FaVU archive, Chicago selection, Zlin artistic school, MTP collection, etc..), workshops in progress, lectures, recycling container, meaningful streaming and refreshment for body and change of the space you will notice. Check it out!
