Finis Terrae

13. April 18h 03. May 2007 , 13m3 Gallery, SK_Bratislava
Nóra Ružičková (SK),
Anna Daučíková (SK) (opening word),
Mária Čorejová (SK) (coordination),
Alena Adamíková (SK) (coordination)
13 kubikov
Finis Terrae means the end of earth in Latin. It is a place where the earth ends and doubt begins. For the author of the exhibition, in a general sense it gives a name to the provisional position in which she tries to put the viewer via her video-installations. It deals with uncertainty in the field of identification (visual, acoustic..) perception. The video works of Nora Ruzickova produced in 2002 – 2005 thematise bodily experience as the basic source of our linguistic understanding of the world, as immediate foundation for handling other experiences, and as the primary and richest source of metaphor.