Uchoko 04

Mateřídouška (CZ),
Mimo-tv - isawiwasi (CZ),
Natur Produkt (CZ)
Video stream: http://stream.node9.org/live.sdp
Video archive:
Materidouska – Tereza Damcova (voice, performance, image), Jiri Suchanek (music, animation, camera). Brno-based duo creates sound-tales and visual flights of imagination from the dreamworld where the main character – the weirdly smiling, permanently morphing, cosmically comical, loved and hated Bubacka doll – walks about. Audiovisual performance combining processed voice, live mixed authored music, video-projections from animated pen-drawings, a plastic alien and masks of mostly leopardese mutants.
Mimo-TV – isawiwasi – alcaloide generator of crystal sounds presents your ears with another deep, sparklingly sharp, even freezing, sometimes dry and overlying orange story of silence. Out of the moss and bracken with the oinking sounds, pitipa melodies and tampatynk rhythms comes Daniel Spacek Embryo and Barka Mottlova with Milan Malik 000333 as the downtempo&chillout live audio project alien broadcasting of Mimo-TV central. And the icebergs are melting..
Natur produkt – „VJing itself was not our aim. We connected the experience of film editing with DJing and nowadays we do audiovisual sets composed from sampled videoclips and films of all genres, while from particular samples we use both sound and image. In other words, at live performances we mix ie. videoclip with another videoclip, or a film. This is the great way to link DJ and VJ into one person, which is not possible when the image and sound are reproduced separately.“