Show me your city!

Illah van Oijen,
Jürgen Rendl,
Lubo Nosko (SK)
Show me your city! is 1st event of project HumanLandscape, composed as assay contest inspired by region of Bratislava by motto: "City-sprawl bites Rural-shrink!"
Do you think Hotel Kiev should be torn down with the reconstruction of Kamenné Square? What is the most beautiful green space in the city? Does a new glass office building block your view? Show us!
„Ukážte mi naše mesto!" is a new internet platform on the website of CITYLAB where people can comment the transformations that Bratislava is going through. The platform will be a place where a historical, planological, environmental and social debate on the city can take place on internet. This event offitialy launchs the webforum „Show me your city!" on web page and presents the general idea and main aims of project „HUMAN LANDSCAPE" and cooperation with On this event will be Citylab-guest project of URBANFLOW presented. Bratislava-Vienna project „TwinCity View" is similar to project Human Landscape, but it is using photography and psychogeography as a tool and media for creating an eteric city model and discussion.
Bring to this launch-party your (digital) photographs, comments and show us your vision on our city. (and don't forget to dance!) Program of event „Show me your city!"(Launch-party of assay cont. proj. „HumanLandscape"):
presentation of and its projects
presentation of project HUMAN LANDSCAPE
start of assay contest "Citylab assay contest"
launch of web forum "Show me your city!"
presentation of project "TwinCityView" of URBANFLOW.AT that is rising in present days
discussion and check of web forum in dance brainstorm musical support.
