Last Tag Show

Pash* (CZ),
Palo Fabuš (CZ)
internet performance at
On 14th of April watch for a net performance Last Tag Show exploring the facade of Web 2.0. Name it social media hack or Web 2.0 circuit bending, but above all the show
is going to refer to global performance of users building and enhancing their own web image setting thus a social mask and yielding a performance of it's kind. Last Tag Show will start at 8am London time, 3am NY time, 9am Prague time, 11am Moscow time for time converter tool go to:
Pash* is known mostly as the author of weird characters in the Prague streets, recently he has jumped into painting, original animations and also interactive installations with which he feels more and more comfortable. He studies the camera at FAMU and doesn’t wash his feet.
Palo Fabuš is the culture publicist, critic and theorist. Not a journalist. His former interest in new media has progressively evolved into wide study of contemporary culture applying a variety of approaches such as sociology, media studies, art theory and philosophy. His research centers these days mostly on the relationship of ICT and evolution of cultural values, contemporary zeitgeist and perception of time.
Since 2009 editor of Umělec. Teaches Social Media course at Department of Media Studies and Journalism FSS MU Brno and occasionally FF MU Brno, FaVU Brno, FIT VUT Brno, FAMU Prague, AVU Prague. Studied Bc. (Applied Informatics) at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno. MA Student at Department of Media Studies and Journalism FSS MU Brno. In 2004-2005 editor-in-chief of IM6. In 2005 and 2006 curator of Zoom festival. From 2005 to 2008 worked as an editor of Literární noviny. In 2007 co-founded Jlbjlt. After seven years of living in Brno, moved in 2009 to Prague.