Evolution Night: Live Partition

Longital (SK),
Floex (Tomáš Dvořák) (CZ),
Tomáš Vaněk (CZ),
Jakub Zítko (CZ)
A4 – Associations for contemporary culture,
Culture Transfer (co-organiser),
CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies (organiser),
Czech Centre (organiser),
Atrakt Art
Video recording: http://smecnet.itchybit.org/ public/longital.ogg
Forget VJing, there is a more provoking form of visual interpretation of music.
The first part of the evening will introduce musicians Sina and Daniel Salontay from the project Longital, also known as Dlhe Diely, who will be recorded in real-time and visually transformed via motion tracking by artist Tomas Vanek.
In the second part, the live partition supported by other musicians (Jakub Zitko, Tomas Dvorak) will bring the interpretation of Longital into live audio-visual form.
The inner logic of live partition can be metaphorically compared to the sun system. Sun is the sound object and particular planets are effect objects, that together by their combinations, sizes and distances from Sun create audio-algorithmic situations and let the sound develop further.
