Uchoko 03

David Vrbík (CZ),
Petr Krušelnický,
Stanislav Abrahám (CZ),
Ladislav Železný (CZ),
Jan Dufek (CZ)
Hucot, o.s.,
Lemurie T.A.Z (co-organiser),
FaVU VUT (co-organiser)
Video stream: http://stream.node9.org/live.sdp
Video archive:
David Vrbik and Petr Kruselnicky / 3 set / Audio / visual / performance / ADDA / stream / R225cope / 518freehand / antena / 3schowes one play
„SKB“ – retro-sono-graphy (live edition) – vagarious sound findings between the sunken tentacles of memories rise to the surface and look around with caution, breathing in and letting their voices resound. Voices are bound from the surface and the surrounding environment, creating echoes, loops, resonating with others and leaving a path. A pseudoimprovised commented search for the final sound.