*/Synchroni-cities: /*/A trail can lead to many places.../

AltArt Foundation
*/Synchroni-cities: /*/A trail can lead to many places.../
*/subscribe starting April 7^th on www.altart.org/synchroni-cities
play April 14^th -- 22^nd /*
/Synchroni-cities/ is a simultaneous urban exploration quest playing with the idea of creating /multiplaces/ - sets of synonymous places that have the same definition: the same trail leads to them. The game takes place in the real world in cities across Europe and the internet. /Synchroni-cities/ is developed by AltArt (www.altart.org ) and is part of the /Multiplace Festival/ (www.multiplace.sk ).
To enter the project as explorer you need to register, download the trails and follow the route in your city. Document your journey and "stick to the real". Flag the end point as final destination of the trail you have completed. Upload your images and texts to the project website and let the online community rate your /multiplace/. You could win a piece of reality, other than yours...
*/Synchroni-cities/**. /The concept/*/
A trail can lead to many places. Places a given trail leads to define a multiplace/
We generally assume maps guide us from where ever we are to where we want to go. When using a map we repeatedly match the map's clues (corners, street names, etc) against reality and the road to our destination is a trail of clues we successfully matched against points of reality. If we don't know our destination, the map (the clue set) and the process of using the map (the matching process) validate the place at the end of our journey and make us recognize it as the point we wanted to get to. We define such a place as "the place our trail leads us to." This definition is as valid as our judgement, our clues and our reality. If any of these conditions are offset we wind up in different places every time we use the same map. Then we have a set of places that are synonymous, because they have the same definition: the same trail leads us to them. We call such a set of places a multiplace. Our aim is to document the trails and places defining a multiplace. Different places that make up a multiplace speak about us - the ones who declared these places synonymous in the first place.
*/Trace your space!/**/
/ /
AltArt Foundation
Binar Centre: Str. Universitatii 2, Cluj, Romania
**tel/fax +40 264 598534
mob +40 723 263072