Mon 01.05.06 Sun 14.05.06
Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, EG
V Townhouse galérii súčasného umenia sa každoročne uskutočňuje medzinárodný program umeleckých rezidencií. Tento rok Townhouse v spolupráci s Triangle Arts Trust pozvali skupinu umelcov, hudobníkov a kurátorov, ktorých práce odrážajú rôznorodosť kreatívnych prístupov a vzťahov k zvuku, či už ako vnútornému alebo sluchovému materiálu, konceptuálnemu alebo kontextovému odkazu alebo ako k počiatočnému bodu.
This May, seventeen cultural practitioners will spend two weeks in Downtown Cairo as part of the upcoming Open Studio Project, an international artists' residency programme hosted annually by the Townhouse Gallery of contemporary art. The programme is designed to serve as a platform for dialogue and creative collaboration among residency participants and between participants and various publics, shifting the focus away from the production of work and towards alternative models of international exchange.
This year, the Townhouse has partnered with the Triangle Arts Trust to invite a group of artists, musicians and curators whose practices reflect a diversity of creative approaches to and engagements with sound, whether as a visceral or aural material, conceptual or contextual reference, or as a point of departure. These practices reflect the way in which sound-related work complicates neat categories of artistic production and their conventionally associated
technologies, tools, and skills.