RUDOLF FRIELING je kurátor pôsobiaci v Karlsruhe (Nemecko), zaoberá sa
filmom, videom, novými médiami a internetom. Pracuje ako kurátor mediatéky v
ZKM v Karlsruhe a učí teóriu a dejiny médií na Fachhochschule Mainz.
Pripravil mnohé výstavy, projekty a podujatia, ako napríklad Video-Fest
Berlín, Bienále v Sao Paulo, Sound/Image v Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Je
spoluzakladateľom časopisu Scope a autorom publikácií Medien Kunst Aktion a
Medien Kunst Interaktion.
Mediating Art Online
«Media Art Net» aims at mediating and contextualizing media art
online, a project edited by Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels and
commissioned by ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, and
Goethe-Institut, Munich. For the first time, a substantial amount of
basic data and documents related to media and art have not only been
gathered but also cross-referenced and thematically linked by the
curators and authors. An initial step is the «Survey of Media Art»
(in co-operation with Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig).
The project went online with the beta-version in January and will
continue with topics curated by Steve Dietz (Minneapolis, USA),
Claudia Giannetti (MECAD, Barcelona), Tjark Ihmels (FH Mainz),
Gregor Stemmrich (HfBK Dresden), Yvonne Volkart (HGKZ Zurich, CH).
All texts by the authors are also available in book form (Springer
Vienna New York Publishers):
Rudolf Frieling/Dieter Daniels (eds.), Medien Kunst Netz 1: Medien
Kunst im Überblick - Media Art Net 1: Survey of Media Art
400 Seiten deutsch/englisch - 400 pages German/English
Springer Wien New York
54,00 Eur
ISBN 3-211-00570-6
(Prezentácia je v anglickom jazyku)