AUVID sound research system - Ales Killian a Ladislav Zelezny (cz)
curator: Mira Keratova
support: Czech Centre
Auvid /sound research system/ is a group, which focuses on
research of acoustic vibrations and their compositions to the new systems. Their
research is oriented on perception of music in the sense of sound in
general, connected to the human perception.
Gyatam is a multifunctional vibrational tub, which uses special developed
musical compositions to create a acoustic bath for the body and mind by
attaining an acoustic mass which is created in the tub through sound
vibrations and transmitted through underwater speakers. Sound vibrations are
transmitted to the vibration bathtub by means of six loudspeakers that are
linked to the amplifier with six separate sound channels. The sound device
unit includes a surround technology, i.e. the device to control six separate
sound tracks. The water musical compositions through the interference of
various acoustic frequencies can produce an inaudible binaural vibration
which is totally transmitted through the acoustic mass of the phenomenon,
frequency following response, allows for active brain wave resonance through
sound which simultaneously provide energy for brain through ears.